Three Causes Of Summer Roof Damage

After I moved into my new home, I realized that there was a serious problem with the roof. There were some shingles missing, and there were large sections that were allowing water to come into the home. I was really discouraged about the problem, so I talked with my family and friends about finding a roofer that could take care of the job. They were able to find me an incredible professional that worked hard to take care of the issue, and it was really nice to see how great of a job he did. This blog is all about getting your roof repaired correctly the first time around.

Three Causes Of Summer Roof Damage

7 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

For many homeowners, the main concern over roof damage is in winter, when ice and snow can lead to damage and leaks. Unfortunately, the coming of summer weather doesn't mean your roof is out of danger. Don't overlook the following three things that can lead to summer roof damage.

#1: Overhanging branches

The trees above your roof pose the greatest danger in summer, especially when winds and summer storms blow through. Branches that bend enough to touch the roof can damage or even tear off shingles during a storm. Weak or dying branches may fall and damage the roof, sometimes even punching a hole straight through the sheathing. Trim back trees so the branches don't touch the roof, and make sure any damaged or dying branches are pruned out each spring. You should also remove any twigs or leaves that fall on the roof at least once a year.

#2: Increased moss growth

Moss often grows on the shaded side of a roof, especially in damp climates. Although moss grows on the surface of shingles and not into the shingles, it can still compromise them over time. This is because the trapped moisture within the moss can cause shingles to weaken and fall apart. Sometimes the moss also begins growing under the edge of a shingle, lifting it so that moisture can flow beneath and cause a leak. You can remove moss with special roof cleaners, which will also temporarily prevent moss from growing back. There are also special moss-killing strips, made of zinc, that a roofer can install beneath the shingles to permanently manage the issue.

#3: Nesting birds

Birds begin nesting in spring, and they often continue through summer. Birds like house sparrows, for example, often look for nesting spots within the eaves of roofs. They may pull back flashing or remove screens from the soffits to gain access. In some cases, they may work to enlarge existing small cracks or holes in a wooden fascia board. There are also the holes sometimes caused by woodpeckers drumming on the roof. Not only do the birds cause damage, but they may also attract larger predators, like raccoons, which will use bird entries to set up a den in your attic. Regularly inspecting for and repairing any bird damage solves the issue.

For more help in preventing or fixing these types of summer roof damages, contact a residential roofer in your area.

About Me
Getting My Roof Repaired

After I moved into my new home, I realized that there was a serious problem with the roof. There were some shingles missing, and there were large sections that were allowing water to come into the home. I was really discouraged about the problem, so I talked with my family and friends about finding a roofer that could take care of the job. They were able to find me an incredible professional that worked hard to take care of the issue, and it was really nice to see how great of a job he did. This blog is all about getting your roof repaired correctly the first time around.
