Types Of Roof Repairs That You May Need

After I moved into my new home, I realized that there was a serious problem with the roof. There were some shingles missing, and there were large sections that were allowing water to come into the home. I was really discouraged about the problem, so I talked with my family and friends about finding a roofer that could take care of the job. They were able to find me an incredible professional that worked hard to take care of the issue, and it was really nice to see how great of a job he did. This blog is all about getting your roof repaired correctly the first time around.

Types Of Roof Repairs That You May Need

11 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Most roofs will give you excellent service for the first three decades. In fact, some materials like slate and tiles may last up to five decades with proper care and maintenance. A well-maintained roof leads to improved energy efficiency, enhanced curb appeal, and reduced insurance premiums.

But to accrue these benefits, you need to understand some damage your roof might suffer over time so you can get timely roof repairs. Below are the common roof repair types.

Replacing the Shingles or Tiles

Shingle and tile roofs are similar in many aspects. For instance, when they wear out from hurricanes and sun exposure, parts of the roof may lift, curl, break, or shrink. When this damage occurs, the roof membranes and other inner parts get exposed.

Furthermore, compromised shingles or tiles can cause damage to other roof structures, which may require costlier repairs or even a complete roof replacement down the line. As such, replacing the affected tiles or shingles in time is essential. During the roof repairs, your roofing contractor will assess the damage and recommend a suitable solution. 

Leak and Flashing Repair

Roof flashing protects the roof surface and material from water damage. Roofers use flashing around chimneys, walls, pipes, and other flat surfaces to ensure moisture protection. If poorly installed or damaged, water will flow into these systems, leading to rot and eventually leaks.

Common signs of a leak include moisture inside the home, patches on the ceiling, and streaks of water on the walls. When fixing leaks, roofing contractors first remove the rotting roof material before installing new flashing. Replacing the flashing and repairing all leaking parts of the roof will increase its lifespan. You should also drain all standing water on the surface as it causes rusting and rotting.

Replacing the Fascia

The fascia is typically made of wood and installed on the roof's lower edge. Usually, you will find fascia behind the gutter, and its function is to support and protect it from the elements.

Since it holds the structures collecting water, the fascia is susceptible to water damage, rot, animal damage, holes, and cracks. Therefore, your contractor might recommend the replacement of the entire fascia board, depending on the level of damage and its age.

Timely roof repairs enhance the longevity of your roof and the value of your property. It also improves the curb appeal of your home and helps you attain maximum energy efficiency. Therefore, call your roofing contractor as soon as you notice anything unusual in your roof. They can provide additional information regarding roof repair.

About Me
Getting My Roof Repaired

After I moved into my new home, I realized that there was a serious problem with the roof. There were some shingles missing, and there were large sections that were allowing water to come into the home. I was really discouraged about the problem, so I talked with my family and friends about finding a roofer that could take care of the job. They were able to find me an incredible professional that worked hard to take care of the issue, and it was really nice to see how great of a job he did. This blog is all about getting your roof repaired correctly the first time around.
