4 Tips to Keep Critters Out of Your Commercial Roof

After I moved into my new home, I realized that there was a serious problem with the roof. There were some shingles missing, and there were large sections that were allowing water to come into the home. I was really discouraged about the problem, so I talked with my family and friends about finding a roofer that could take care of the job. They were able to find me an incredible professional that worked hard to take care of the issue, and it was really nice to see how great of a job he did. This blog is all about getting your roof repaired correctly the first time around.

4 Tips to Keep Critters Out of Your Commercial Roof

28 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Animals such as bees, squirrels, birds, and wasps can make a home in your commercial roof. If you don't keep the critters at bay, the pests could destroy some parts of your commercial roof. The creatures could also infest your business and ruin your equipment. Therefore, use the guide below to keep your commercial roof pest-free.

1. Prune and Trim Trees or Use Tree Guards

You most likely have some trees close too your commercial space. Such trees offer access points for animals to get onto your commercial roof. Therefore, hire a commercial roofing services company to trim branches that hang over your premises to a point where pest access is no longer possible. Also, since critters like squirrels can leap a bit far, prune down to a level where squirrels can't make the jump.

The roofing contractor can also install tree guards to offer a protective barrier that keeps pests away. For example, they can use sheet metal or a small fence around the base of the trees to keep the small animals at bay. They also cut down bug-infested trees to ensure critters don't crawl to your roof.

2. Use Seals and Deterrents

Pests and small animals can get to your roof if spaces are available in your roofing components. For instance, your commercial roof flashing and shingles can become loose and give critters a path to tunnel in. So, if you have gaps or missing parts, hire a commercial roofing services company to undertake repairs or replacements to block any way pests can use.

Once you have sealed any entry point, use humane deterrents to keep pests at bay. Examples of deterrents you can use are red fox for squirrels and plastic owl to scare birds. You could also use chemical barriers and insect sprays at potential entry points.

3. Take Good Care of Your Gutters

Gutters are a big attractant for different types of critters. For instance, insects, birds, and squirrels find comfort in places with wet debris. So a commercial roofer cleans your gutters regularly to eliminate debris that may host pests.

Alternatively, the roofer can install gutter guards to ensure unwanted debris doesn't get inside your gutters. The guards also block the access path since most critters use the gutter to reach your commercial roof. Besides, a pest wouldn't create a nest in an enclosed gutter.

4. Clean Your Roof Regularly

A pile of organic materials on your commercial roof attracts insects and birds. Such pests use algae and other biomaterials for food and nests. If you let dirt and debris pile, the animals get more room to stay and multiply.

A reduced debris buildup makes your commercial roof less attractive to pests. So, hire commercial roofing services to undertake regular roof cleanups and remove any debris animals could use for food. Also, when you clean your roof, you eliminate webs, nests, and other pest habitats.


If you have had a pest infestation on your commercial roof, use the above steps to reverse the problem. Nonetheless, if the issue persists, the critters still have an access point. So, invite a commercial roofer to identify and solve the root problem.

About Me
Getting My Roof Repaired

After I moved into my new home, I realized that there was a serious problem with the roof. There were some shingles missing, and there were large sections that were allowing water to come into the home. I was really discouraged about the problem, so I talked with my family and friends about finding a roofer that could take care of the job. They were able to find me an incredible professional that worked hard to take care of the issue, and it was really nice to see how great of a job he did. This blog is all about getting your roof repaired correctly the first time around.
